Volodymyr Vrublevskyy
IT geek, Blogger and Traveler
IAC Security Scanning by Prisma Cloud
Prisma Cloud has a lot of policies for the Azure Infrastructure Security scanning. Prisma Cloud offers several ways to scan an IaC code. We analyzed two of them: GitHub…
Permission denied using Vault CLI with HCP Vault
Problem When attempting to run Vault CLI commands with HCP Vault, you receive a {“errors”:[“permission denied”]} Error. Cause The Vault Namespace is not exported as an environment variable.
HCP Vault as a secret storage for GitLab
In our previous article, we explored how to integrate GitLab with a self-hosted HashiCorp Vault to manage secrets securely. Building on that foundation, today’s focus shifts to utilizing HashiCorp…
GitLab + HashiCorp Vault as a secret storage
GitLab, a popular DevOps platform known for its robust features and seamless integration, has long lacked a native secret store for securely managing sensitive information such as API keys,…
GitLab CI Pipeline with Kaniko, Twistcli, and Crane
This blog post will explain how to efficiently set up a GitLab CI pipeline using Kaniko, Twistcli, and Crane to build docker images, scan them on Prisma Cloud via…
Building Kaniko Image with Embedded Twistcli
In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create a custom Kaniko image that includes Twistcli for security scanning. This setup is especially useful in environments where Docker-in-Docker (DinD)…
How To Reset or Renew Final Cut Pro Trial
Download your Final Cut Pro Trial here https://www.apple.com/final-cut-pro/trial
How to adjust the keyboard backlight on the new M2 M3 MacBook
The latest Macbooks lack keys to adjust keyboard brightness and F5 and F6 don’t work as it was previously. To fix that create a new plist file in ~/Library/LaunchAgents named com.local.KeyRemapping.plist and added the code…
How to change the security type from SSL to TLS in Jenkins
I am trying to set up the SMTP email notification. I want to configure it for my office 365. Smtp server = smtp.office365.com Problem: When I configured credentials, I…
Jenkins + Xcode –resource-rules has been deprecated in Mac OS X >= 10.10!
Recently I tried to sign my iOS app with Apple Developer certificate through Jenkins with Xcode plugin and macmini as a slave. Oh. I received a lot of different…