Today I want to try provisioning and configuring Amazon AWS instances with Chef. To do that I have:
- Free tier account on AWS
- Open Source Chef Server 12
- Ubuntu Workstation with knife
1. First of all we need to install knife ec2 on Ubuntu Workstation:
gem install knife-ec2
Afert that I configured knife.rb at /home/vovando/chef-repo/.chef
knife[:aws_access_key_id] = "Abababababbb"
knife[:aws_secret_access_key] = "Blablablaaaaaaaaa"
# AWS Region
knife[:region] = "us-west-2"
You can find or create aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key here:
Let's test our connection to AWS:
sudo knife ec2 server list
Deleting the server
sudo knife ec2 server delete i-d8892c11
Creating a server
You’ll need:
- the ID of the subnet you intend to deploy into
- the AMI you wish to use
the security group IDs for the new instance
(one of these must contain a rule which allows inbound SSH access from the SSH gateway)
- ssh key
If you have all that, you can use the following command:
$ sudo knife ec2 server create \
–flavor t2.micro \
–image ami-e7527ed7 \
–ebs-size 8 \
–security-group-ids sg-6e0adc0a \
–subnet subnet-575ccd20 \
–ssh-key noteits \
–server-connect-attribute public_ip_address \
–ssh-user ec2-user \
–ssh-port 22 \
–identity-file /home/vovando/noteits.pem \
–node-name "" \
–tags Name="",Environment="Production" \
–run-list "role[web_server]" \
–environment prod
In AWS console:
Bootstrapping a server
If you already have a server in the AWS, you can also bootstrap it using the SSH:
$ sudo knife bootstrap \
–ssh-user ec2-user \
–sudo \
–identity-file /home/vovando/noteits.pem \
–environment production \
–node-name \
–run-list 'role[web_server]'
[sudo] password for vovando:
Creating new client for
Creating new node for
Connecting to —–> Existing Chef installation detected Starting first Chef Client run… Starting Chef Client, version 12.4.1
And that’s all there is to it!
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