centos 7
Read-only user in PostgreSQL
Create only read only with limited access to PostgreSQL Database. This user can only SELECT table data and also restricted by schema access.
Monitor Logs in Real-Time with “Log.io” on CentOS 6/7
Log.io is a small simple but effective application build on top of Node.js and Socket.io, which allows to monitor Linux servers log files in real time through…
Free SSL certificate for 3 years and up to 100 domains
More and more people reconfigured their sites to ssl connection. So I decided to use ssl certificate and secure connection on my blogs too. The…
Install Ruby 2.3.1 or any other version on Centos
1. Installing Recommended Packages There are few developemnt libraries required to run Ruby on Linux. Use following command to install recommended packages on your server…
How to automatically start mysql on Centos 7
When I tried to make auto start for mysql on Centos 7 I just received such message: