Installing Chef on Centos 6

Today we will install chef server in our home lab based on proxmox 3.4.6. So we have installed server 2cpu, 2Gb memory, Centos 6.7

First of all I switched off selinux, and configured hostname of server in /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/hosts

Let's go on:


# rpm -Uvh chef-server-core-12.1.2-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

# chef-server-ctl reconfigure

#chef-server-ctl user-create vovando Volodymyr Vrublevskyy user@!!!.com [passrord] –filename /tmp/vovando.pem

#chef-server-ctl org-create vovando "Vovandos Com" –association_user vovando –filename /tmp/VOVANDO-validator.pem


If you have problem with create user such as:

ERROR: Connection refused connecting to, retry 1/5
  1. Edit /etc/hosts and add your server's hostname (FQDN).
  2. Run chef-server-ctl reconfigure
  3. Run chef-server-ctl status to make sure all the processes are running (none should say down. If one is down, try running chef-server-ctl restart).
  4. Run your chef-server-ctl user-create… command again. Сheck your firewall and selinux also.

Enable additional features of the Chef server! The packages may be downloaded directly as part of the installation process or they may be first downloaded to a local directory, and then installed.

Use Downloads

The install subcommand downloads packages from by default. For systems that are not behind a firewall (and have connectivity to, these packages can be installed as described below.


Feature Command
Chef Manage

Use Chef management console to manage data bags, attributes, run-lists, roles, environments, and cookbooks from a web user interface.

On the Chef server, run:

$ chef-server-ctl install opscode-manage






$ chef-server-ctl reconfigure





and then:

$ opscode-manage-ctl reconfigure





Chef Push Jobs

Use Chef push jobs to run jobs—an action or a command to be executed—against nodes independently of a chef-client run.

On the Chef server, run:

$ chef-server-ctl install opscode-push-jobs-server






$ chef-server-ctl reconfigure





and then:

$ opscode-push-jobs-server-ctl reconfigure






Use Chef reporting to keep track of what happens during every chef-client runs across all of the infrastructure being managed by Chef. Run Chef reporting with Chef management console to view reports from a web user interface.

On the Chef server, run:

$ chef-server-ctl install opscode-reporting






$ chef-server-ctl reconfigure





and then:

$ opscode-reporting-ctl reconfigure






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