Terraform in GitHub Codespaces
Sunday evening, and I’m trying to work on some lab projects to refresh my knowledge and learn something new. I have a corporate laptop with…
How To Reset or Renew Final Cut Pro Trial
Download your Final Cut Pro Trial here
Jenkins + Xcode –resource-rules has been deprecated in Mac OS X >= 10.10!
Recently I tried to sign my iOS app with Apple Developer certificate through Jenkins with Xcode plugin and macmini as a slave. Oh. I received…
Private Maven Repository in Amazon S3
A few days ago I had an interesting task with Maven and AWS S3. We decided to use S3 bucket as a private Maven repository.…
Git Clone via SSH using Jenkins on Windows
The cleanest way to use Jenkins on Windows is to use the Jenkins Installer which installs Jenkins as a Windows Service. That works fine, but of course the…
How to install Maven on CentOS
Apache Maven is a project management software, managing building, reporting and documentation of a Java development project. In order to install and configure Apache Maven…
No space left on device – running out of Inodes
One of my servers went down today. Problems started with deployment on jenkins that reported “No space left on device”, although partition was not nearly…
mc problem: cannot chmod target file, operation not permitted
Problem With mc, you want to copy lots of small files to remote machine. However, for every file it drops a warning: “cannot chmod target…
What is the default root pasword for MySQL 5.7
First of all, let's install MySQL-community-server 5.7 on fresh CentOS 6. ————— On RHEL/CentOS 6 ————— # wget # yum localinstall mysql57-community-release-el6-7.noarch.rpm # yum…
Read-only user in PostgreSQL
Create only read only with limited access to PostgreSQL Database. This user can only SELECT table data and also restricted by schema access.