The data service timed out because a back-end task took more than 120
Today I received error on my vm summary page in Vsphere web client: The data service timed out because a back-end task took more than…
Cooking with Chef: How to deploy instance on AWS with knife
Today I want to try provisioning and configuring Amazon AWS instances with Chef. To do that I have: Free tier account on AWS Open Source…
Free SSL certificate for 3 years and up to 100 domains
More and more people reconfigured their sites to ssl connection. So I decided to use ssl certificate and secure connection on my blogs too. The…
Install Ruby 2.3.1 or any other version on Centos
1. Installing Recommended Packages There are few developemnt libraries required to run Ruby on Linux. Use following command to install recommended packages on your server…
Knife-vsphere installation errors
Today I tried to install knife vsphere support for Chef (You can make it by this command $gem install knife-vsphere ) on Ubuntu and received…
Chef Manage install: RuntimeError – I don’t know how to install addons for platform family
When I try to install Chef Manage on Centos 7 as described here $ chef-server-ctl install opscode-manage
Installation of component VMware Python components failed with error code ‘3010’
If you will receive the following error during vSphere 6.0a –> 6.0b updating:
Can’t upgrade esxi 5.5 to 6.0 due a vib conflict
Today I tried to upgrade my standalone (not in Cluster) host (HP DL 180 G6) with esxi 6.0 and Update Manager. But when the process…
VMware VSAN Health Check Plugin Installation
Few weeks ago VMWare released VSAN Health Check Plugin. This plugin allows monitoring and troubleshooting your VSAN 6.0 Clusters. There are two versions of this…