How to monitor sql queries with zabbix

If you want to monitor some parameters in mysql database,  you can do it with ODBC monitoring in Zabbix.

ODBC monitoring corresponds to the Database monitor item type in the Zabbix frontend.

ODBC is a C programming language middle-ware API for accessing database management systems (DBMS). The ODBC concept was developed by Microsoft and later ported to other platforms.

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Free SSL certificate for 3 years and up to 100 domains

 More and more people reconfigured their sites to ssl connection. So I decided to use ssl certificate and secure connection on my blogs too.

The Chinese CA WoSign offers free SSL certificates which are valid for 2 years and may contain up to 100 domains each (multi-domain/SAN/UCC) which is very useful to host various domains on one single IP address (Better option than SNI if you still have Windows XP clients). Before you stop reading because you don't trust a Chinese company for your website encryption please keep in mind that you don't have to trust them at all! You generate the SSL key on your server and only send them the CSR (certificate signing request) which doesn't contain any private information.

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Bootable USB stick on OS X

I need to install Ubuntu on Sony Vaio laptop. So I need to create bootable USB stick for that. My home OS is Mac OS X 10 and today we gonna make bootable USB stick on OS X.

Note: this procedure requires that you create an .img file from the .iso file you download. It will also change the filesystem that is on the USB stick to make it bootable, so backup all data before continuing.

Tip: Drag and drop a file from Finder to Terminal to ‘paste’ the full path without risking typing errors.

1. Download Ubuntu for Desktop.

2. Open the Terminal. [Read more…]